Let me introduce myself
Hello my name is Pablo.
I am from puebla.
I was born on february 10, 2004.
I'm 15 year old.
I attend the school in the cetis 104.
My favorite sport is basketball.
I like to travel I have been to Mexico City.
I would like to study accounting because I like it.
My favorite day is december 31.
In my free time i like to go out.
My favorite movie is batman the dark.
I study English because it will help me in the future.
Hello my name is Pablo.
I am from puebla.
I was born on february 10, 2004.
I'm 15 year old.
I attend the school in the cetis 104.
My favorite sport is basketball.
I like to travel I have been to Mexico City.
I would like to study accounting because I like it.
My favorite day is december 31.
In my free time i like to go out.
My favorite movie is batman the dark.
I study English because it will help me in the future.
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